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Find out how to stay safe from coronavirus.

If you need to stay at home and have no family or friends for support, ring 0113 376 0330.

Picture of calling the council if you need support

If you have symptoms, stay at home and book a free test from the NHS website or ring 119.

Picture of people with coronavirus symptoms like a cough, fever and loss of smell or taste

Keep a safe distance from others.

Picture of people keeping two metres apart

No one in your house should leave home if anyone has symptoms.

Picture of people staying at home if they have coronavirus symptoms

Wash your hands regularly, for 20 seconds.

Picture of hands being washed

You must wear a face covering on public transport, in shops and in healthcare buildings.

Picture of people wearing face masks

HTML Snippet for description list

<div class="easy-read">
    <p class="lead">Find out how to stay safe from coronavirus.<br/></p>
    <div class="panel panel-border">
        <p>If you need to stay at home and have no family or friends for support, ring 0113 376 0330.<br/></p>
        <img class="img-content" src="" alt="Picture of calling the council if you need support"/>
    <div class="panel panel-border">
        <p>If you have symptoms, stay at home and book a free test from the
        <a rel="external" href="">NHS website</a> or ring 119.</p>
        <img class="img-content" src="" alt="Picture of people with coronavirus symptoms like a cough, fever and loss of smell or taste"/>
        <div class="panel panel-border">
        <p>Keep a safe distance from others.</p>
        <img class="img-content" src="" alt="Picture of people keeping two metres apart"/>
    <div class="panel panel-border">
        <p>No one in your house should leave home if anyone has symptoms.</p>
        <img class="img-content" src="" alt="Picture of people staying at home if they have coronavirus symptoms"/>
    <div class="panel panel-border">
        <p>Wash your hands regularly, for 20 seconds.<br/></p>
        <img class="img-content" src="" alt="Picture of hands being washed"/>
    <div class="panel panel-border">
        <p>You must wear a face covering on public transport, in shops and in healthcare buildings.</p>
        <img class="img-content" src="" alt="Picture of people wearing face masks"/>
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